
Recipe Type: Side dishes - Salads - Sauces

Side dishes - Salads - Sauces - Warm or cold are perfect to serve as a side dish. It is very easy to make a Brazilian salad at home with lots of ingredients, a sweet acre, fruit in the salad. Not to mention the Crab soups or other ...

farofa con patate carote prezzemolo ricetta

Farofa with Cassava Flour

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Farofa a very good dish I like to eat it with meat especially if this meat is sausage or picanha.

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riso bianco brasiliano

White rice

forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (5 / 5)

In Brasile il Riso è considerato un contorno, comunque un piatto che non può mai mancare in tavolo come per noi italiani il pane o la pasta...

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