
Recipe Type: Side dishes - Salads - Sauces

Side dishes - Salads - Sauces - Warm or cold are perfect to serve as a side dish. It is very easy to make a Brazilian salad at home with lots of ingredients, a sweet acre, fruit in the salad. Not to mention the Crab soups or other ...

Salpicao di Baccalà semplice

Salpicao di Baccalà semplice

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Salpicao di baccalà in un'unica ricetta è un perfetto per un menù del pranzo! Anche per la domenica in famiglia o per la cena di Natale.

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Ricetta Farofa Brasiliano

Brazilian Farofa Recipe

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Farofa is a typical Brazilian side dish, commonly accompanies meat or fish dishes. This is the simplest version.

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Maionese alle Spezie

Spice Mayonnaise

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Homemade spice mayonnaise is far better than industrial mayonnaise and, contrary to popular belief, making it at home is easy.

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Maionese al frullatore

Simple blender mayonnaise

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Maionese al frullatore semplice, ce sei la classica che non fa la maionese in casa perché "stanca il braccio"? Vieni con noi: in questa ricetta, il frullatore fa tutto il lavoro.

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Ricetta Vinagrette

Vinagrette recipe for BBQ and / or Fish

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Vinagrette recipe, is a compound that is usually used for BBQ, even on some types of fish or to dress salads depending on the variation of the recipe.

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Ricetta Salsa Barbecue fatto in casa

Homemade Barbecue Sauce Recipe

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After so many requests I publish this recipe that some friends asked me: Homemade Barbecue Sauce Recipe.

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Riso con Pequi ricetta

Rice with Pequi

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Riso con Pequi is made with this fruit originating from cerrado with a marked and particular flavor. It is considered the culinary gem of Central West Brazil.

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Tucupi ricetta


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Tucupi is a traditional Brazilian sauce made from sap extracted from the cassava root. Yellow in color, the sauce is used for cooking.

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torta fredda al pollo ricetta

Cold Chicken Cake

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Un alternativa alla classica torta dolce e un alternativa al classico tramezzino... Noi questa specialità la facciamo per le feste di compleanno, ma io lo faccio sempre quando vengono dei ospiti, con questa specialità faccio sempre una bella figura...

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Salpicao al Prosciutto

Salpicao with Ham

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Un'ottima ricetta per pranzi in famiglia ed eventi speciali, non solo per fine anno. Salpicão è una delizia e va gustato tutto l'anno.

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