Recipe Type: Red meat
Red Meat - The best basic red meat recipes selected for you! Red meat is an important food of the Brazilian culture.
Bistecca di scamone in salsa di funghi e basilico
Bistecca di scamone in salsa di funghi e basilico è un piatto delizioso e facile da preparare. (bistecche di scamone in brasiliano "Alcatra")
Read moreGrilled picanha with Churrasco salt
Grilled picanha with Churasco salt, a typical dish from South America, especially Argentina and Brazil, based on picanha meat
Read moreFried Kibe or Quibe
Kibe is a delicious snack used for parties or enjoying it in an aperitif with friends and family, I recommend this delicious recipe.
Read moreRabada (oxtail) recipe
Recipe Rabada in Italian Coda di Bue is a dish that is never missing from the Brazilian table in a special weekend lunch with the family.
Read moreMeat Estrogonoff with Champion
Strogonoff is my favorite dish, I hope you like my version. Accompanied by rice and french fries it is a pleasure.
Read moreButter Picanha with Potatoes
Picanha è un taglio di carne tipico della cucina Brasiliana, corrispondente al "codone di manzo" o "punta di sottofesa". Si tratta di un taglio di peso massimo di 1 kg, dalla forma triangolare.
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