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Tapioca 9 Recipes for lovers of practicality

Tapioca 9 Ricette per gli amanti della praticità

Tapioca 9 Recipes for lovers of practicality

Learn how to use this delicacy in your tapioca recipes for sweet or savory!

Some ingredients you do not know are versatile which allows you to indulge in preparing many dishes; such as these tapioca recipes. This flour is a derivative of the cassava bulb. Popular in the world because it does not contain gluten, a perfect substitute for bread.

In a simple and delicious way, just sift the tapioca gum in a pan and choose the filling you like best.

And it can be sweet, with banana, condensed milk, Nutella; or salty, with cheese, ham, peppers.

Ad esempio per la colazione, con margarina o un filo d’olio d’oliva, insieme al caffè.

Know that you can vary your meals prepare many delicacies with this ingredient; for salty food than sweet dessert. Perfect, right ?!

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Margherita-flavored tapioca pizza

Time: 40min – Surrender: 4 – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for Margherita-flavored tapioca pizza

  1. 1 cup (tea) of tapioca gum
  2. Oil for greasing and sprinkling
  3. 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
  4. 250 g of grated mozzarella
  5. 1 tomato, sliced
  6. Fresh basil and oregano to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Pass the tapioca gum through a sieve and spread it on a greased non-stick pizza pan and smooth with a spoon. Place in a preheated medium oven for 3 minutes.
  2. Remove and spread the tomato sauce, mozzarella and tomato slices on the pasta.
  3. Rimettere in forno per altri 8 minuti o fino a quando la pasta è soda e il formaggio si è sciolto. Rimuovere e decorare con basilico e origano. Condire con olio d’oliva per servire.

Tapioca flan with gluten-free and lactose-free vegetables

Time: 40min – Surrender: 6 – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for tapioca cake with gluten-free and lactose-free vegetables

  1. 2 cucchiai di olio d’oliva
  2. 1 chopped onion
  3. 1 spicchio d’aglio schiacciato
  4. 100g of chopped green beans
  5. 100g of diced eggplant
  6. (1/2 cup equivalent of 100g) of diced zucchini
  7. 1/2 cup carrot (grated)
  8. 1/2 yellow pepper in small cubes
  9. 1 cup (tea) of diced ham
  10. 6 beaten eggs
  11. 6 tablespoons of hydrated tapioca starch
  12. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  13. Salt, black pepper and chopped parsley to taste
  14. Oil for greasing

Method of preparation

  1. Scaldare l’olio in una padella a fuoco medio e soffriggere la cipolla e l’aglio per 3 minuti.
  2. Add the vegetables, the ham and brown for 4 minutes, stirring.
  3. Let it cool down.
  4. Vi consiglio di usare un frullatore, per frullare le uova con l’amido di tapioca e il lievito in modo da ottenere un composto omogeneo.
  5. Add the sautéed, salt, pepper, parsley and mix with a spoon.
  6. Transfer to a medium refractory, I recommend it must be greased so that when it comes out it does not stick to it; and bake in a preheated oven at (180 °), for 25 minutes or until toasted and browned.
  7. Remove and serve.

Tapioca Volcano Cake

Time: 1h30 (+ 1h riposo) – Surrender: 12 porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for the tapioca volcano cake

2 cups of granulated tapioca
5 1/2 cups (tea) of milk
3/4 cup (tea) of softened butter
2 cups of tea
4 eggs
1/2 cup of grated coconut
2 cups of wheat flour
1 tablespoon of baking powder
Butter for greasing

Cake Cover Seal

  1. 1 1/2 can of condensed milk
  2. 2 spoons of butter
  3. 2 tablespoons of powdered milk
  4. 1 box of sour cream (200 g)

Method of preparation

  1. Put the tapioca in a bowl, add 3 cups (tea) of warm milk and mix. Leave to rest for 1 hour.
  2. Pour into a blender and beat with the remaining milk, butter, sugar, eggs and coconut.
  3. Transfer to a bowl and mix with the flour and a tablespoon of yeast. An important thing is to pour into a greased pan of 30 cm in diameter. Then bake in a preheated medium oven for 40 minutes, when you see that the cake is golden.
  4. Leave to cool and unmold.
  5. For the garnish, take a pan put the condensed milk, butter and powdered milk over medium heat, stir until it thickens and comes off the bottom of the pan.
  6. Add the cream, mix well then let it cool.
  7. Cover the cake with 1/3 of the icing. Place the rest in the center hole of the cake and serve immediately.

Tapioca pudding with strawberries

Time: 1h20 (+ 1h riposo) (+ 3h frigo) – Surrender: 10 Porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients of tapioca pudding with strawberries

  1. 1 1/2 cups tapioca flour
  2. 1 cup of grated coconut
  3. 350 ml of coconut milk
  4. 1/2 cup of milk
  5. 5 eggs
  6. 1 can of sour cream with whey (300 g)
  7. 1 can of condensed milk
  8. 2 spoons of butter
  9. 1 cup of diced strawberries
  10. Strawberries to decorate


  1. 1 cup (tea) of sugar
  2. 1/2 cup of water

Method of preparation

  1. Per lo sciroppo, mettere lo zucchero e l’acqua in una casseruola. Se cuocere a fuoco lento senza mescolare, sarà più facile creare il caramello.
  2. Pour into a pan with a hole of 24 cm in diameter and sprinkle over the entire base of the pan. Reserve.
  3. Put the tapioca and grated coconut in a bowl, cover with the coconut milk and let it rest for 1 hour.
  4. In a blender, beat the eggs, cream, condensed milk and butter for 1 minute.
  5. Add the tapioca mixture and beat until smooth.
  6. Versate nella teglia caramellata, adagiate le fragole sull’impasto e mettete in forno medio, preriscaldato, a bagnomaria, per 1 ora.
  7. Remove, let cool and refrigerate for 3 hours.
  8. E’ meglio decorare con le fragole prima di Servire la rende più bella e ricca.

Tapioca Coxinha (Tapioca Croquettes)

Time: 1 ora (+ 1 ora di riposo) – Surrender: 16 unità – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for Tapioca Coxinha (Tapioca Croquettes):

  1. 2 cups of granulated tapioca
  2. 3 cups of boiling skim milk
  3. 1 beaten egg
  4. 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Corn starch for sprinkling
  7. Oil for greasing


  1. 2 cucchiai d’olio
  2. 1 chopped onion
  3. 3 cups of cooked and shredded chicken
  4. 1 chopped tomato
  5. 1/2 cup of parsley
  6. Salt and black pepper to taste
  7. 1 cup of light cream cheese of your choice

Method of preparation:

Per il ripieno scaldate una padella con l’olio a fuoco medio e fate soffriggere la cipolla per 3 minuti. Successivamente aggiungere il pollo, il pomodoro, il prezzemolo e rosolare per 3 minuti. Appena hai fatto il processo precedente condite con sale, pepe e in fine spegnete il fuoco.

When the fire is off, add the light cream cheese to your taste. Reserve.

Prendete una ciotola, mescola la tapioca con metà del latte. Mi raccomando continuate a mescolare mentre lo fate scaldare e unite l’uovo, il formaggio e il sale e lasciate riposare per 30 minuti. Aggiungere il latte rimanente e mescolare bene fino a quando non è stato incorporato per bene. Successivamente fatelo riposare per altri 30 minuti.

Quanto il composto è raffreddato per bene disporre l’impasto su una superficie, cosparsa di abbondante amido di mais e impastare delicatamente, cospargerlo di altro amido di mais se necessario. Aprire piccole porzioni di pasta con le mani e farcire con il pollo.

Chiudere, modellare le cosce, metterle in una teglia unta, una accanto all’altra in modo che durante la cottura non si attacchi una all’altra, e cuocere in forno medio, preriscaldato, per 25 minuti o fino a doratura. Servite subito.

Sweet tapioca with coconut

Time: 25min (+ 2h30 di riposo) – Surrender: 10 porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients of the Tapioca Cake with coconut

Method of preparation

Take a bowl and add the tapioca flour. sugar, salt and coconut milk. Then add half of the grated coconut and the milk, little by little, mixing until incorporated.

Transfer to a medium baking dish and let it rest for about 2 hours, after which you have to sprinkle the condensed milk and let it rest for another 30 minutes.

Heat a non-stick pan with the remaining butter and coconut and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

As soon as the fried coconut is ready you have to put them on top of the sweets in the pan and cut into cubes and serve.

Tapioca cannelloni

Time: 1h10 – Surrender: 6 porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for Tapioca Cannelloni

  1. 4 eggs
  2. 2 cups tapioca starch
  3. 1 1/2 cups of milk
  4. a teaspoon of baking powder
  5. 1 teaspoon salt
  6. Butter for greasing
  7. 1 cup of grated mozzarella


  1. 1 bunch of cooked and chopped spinach
  2. 3 cups of cottage cheese
  3. 2 chopped seedless tomatoes
  4. Salt and oregano to taste


  1. 3 spoons of butter
  2. 1 chopped onion
  3. 2 tablespoons of wheat flour
  4. 2 cups of milk
  5. 1 box of sour cream
  6. Salt and nutmeg to taste

Method of preparation

Per l’impasto, sbattere le uova, la tapioca, il latte, il lievito e il sale in un frullatore fino a che liscio. Scaldare una padella antiaderente unta a fuoco medio, posizionare 1 mestolo di pasta e ruotare fino a ricoprire tutto il fondo. Lascia che sia leggermente marrone. Girate l’impasto e fatelo rosolare dall’altro lato. Ripeti il ​​procedimento con il resto dell’impasto. Riserva.

For the filling, mix all the ingredients together and set aside. For the sauce, heat a pan of butter and sauté the onion until it wilts. Add the flour and sauté for 1 minute. Then the milk and cook, stirring, without stopping until it has thickened. Add the cream, season with salt and nutmeg, mix and turn off the heat.

Dividete il ripieno tra la pasta e stendetela a rulli, tagliando i bordi dell’impasto. Disporre in una pirofila, irrorare con la besciamella, spolverare con la mozzarella e cuocere in forno medio, preriscaldato, per 10 minuti o fino a doratura. Togli e servi.

Tapioca Cake with Condensed Milk

Time: 40min (+ 3h di frigorifero) – Surrender: 8 porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients for Tapioca Cake with Condensed Milk

  1. 2 cups of granulated tapioca
  2. 1/2 cup (tea) of sugar
  3. 1 teaspoon salt
  4. 1 glass of coconut milk (200 ml)
  5. 2 packets of grated coconut (200 g)
  6. 2 cups of hot milk
  7. Oil for greasing
  8. 1/2 can of condensed milk
  9. Cherries in syrup to decorate

Methods of Preparation

In a bowl, mix the granulated tapioca, sugar, salt, and coconut milk. Add half of the grated coconut and milk, gradually, mixing until smooth. Transfer to a greased 24 cm diameter pan and refrigerate for 2 hours. Unmold onto a plate, drizzle with condensed milk and put back in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Remove, sprinkle with the remaining coconut, garnish with cherries and serve.

Tapioca pancake with eggplant

Time: 1h20 – Surrender: 5 porzioni – Difficulty: easy

Ingredients of tapioca pancake with eggplant

  1. 6 eggs
  2. 15 tablespoons of hydrated tapioca gum
  3. 4 tablespoons of cream cheese
  4. 6 cucchiai d’acqua
  5. Salt to taste
  6. Oil for greasing
  7. 2 cups (tea) of tomato sauce
  8. Grated Parmesan for sprinkling


1 diced eggplant
1/2 diced red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper, diced
1 diced tomato without seeds
1/2 cup (black tea) of raisins
1/2 tazza (tè) di olio d’oliva
1/3 cup (tea) of vinegar
1/3 cup (tea) of chopped walnuts
Salt, black pepper and chopped parsley to taste

Method of preparation

Per il ripieno, in una ciotola, mescolate le melanzane, i peperoni, i pomodori, l’uvetta, l’olio d’oliva, l’aceto, le noci e condite con sale e pepe. Stendere in una padella rivestita con carta stagnola e coprire con carta stagnola.

Mettere in un forno medio (180 ° C), preriscaldato, per 30 minuti. Lasciar raffreddare e mescolare il prezzemolo. Riserva. Per l’impasto, sbattere le uova, la tapioca, la cagliata, l’acqua e il sale in un frullatore.

Heat a greased medium non-stick pan, place a ladle of pasta and rotate until all the bottom is covered. Cook for 2 minutes and turn.

Cuocere per altri 2 minuti o finché non saranno leggermente dorati. Procedere allo stesso modo con tutto l’impasto. Distribuire il ripieno tra gli impasti e arrotolare come dei rulli.

Place in a medium baking dish, cover with the sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and bake in a preheated medium oven (180 ° C) for 15 minutes. Serve immediately.

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