Tag: Brazilian recipe
Brazilian coconut and chocolate cake
Torta brasiliana al cocco e cioccolato dolce amato da grandi e piccini, è un dolce buonissimo, perfetto per preparare per la merenda o per la colazione!
Read moreMeat Steamed Ravioli
Jiaozi Chinese Steamed Ravioli, easy to prepare, cooked and eaten .. Definitely one of the delicacies that all people like here for you the recipe.
Read moreMilk Pudding Powder
Powdered Milk Pudding a variant of the Brazilian pudim de leite only that in this case we used powdered milk view the recipe.
Read moreBolo de Fuba (Corn Pie) Gluten Free
Bolo de Fuba (Corn Cake) Gluten Free Brazilian dessert, but we do not stop innovating the taste and method of preparation. here the recipe.
Read morePe de Moleque (Peanut Cake)
Pé de Moleque (Peanut Cake) is a recipe that we normally eat during the hottest times of the year in Brazil: during the juninas party!
Read moreRabada (oxtail) recipe
Recipe Rabada in Italian Coda di Bue is a dish that is never missing from the Brazilian table in a special weekend lunch with the family.
Read moreAcarajé con vatapa
Ricetta Acarajé con vatapa è un piatto tipico della cucina afro-brasiliana, composto da una pasta di fagioli del tipo feijão-fradinho (il nostro fagiolo bruno con occhio nero)
Read morePao de queljo cheese sandwiches recipe
Ricetta panini al formaggio brasiliano (Pao de Queijo), fatto con farina di tapioca no farina classica. Senza glutine e facile da preparare con pochi ingredienti.
Read moreSimple Brazilian Feijoada Recipe
Recipe Feijoada Simple Brazilian or Italian Fagiolata, with ingredients available in Italy, simple and delicious. Check the complete recipe
Read moreVinagrette recipe for BBQ and / or Fish
Vinagrette recipe, is a compound that is usually used for BBQ, even on some types of fish or to dress salads depending on the variation of the recipe.
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