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Pineapple cake

Torta di Ananas Ricetta

Torta di Ananas Ricetta

Pineapple cake

Pineapple Pie is much simpler than you think, so how about trying to make this recipe?

L’ananas non è alla cima della lista dei frutte preferite di molte persone, tuttavia, oltre a gustarlo normalmente può essere utilizzato per fare un sacco di ricette.

Un dolce che amerai ancor di più l’ananas. Fresca, leggera e gustosa, la torta di ananas è un’ottima scelta per i vostri appuntamenti di fine settimana o festività. Provalo!

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Step 1


Step 2

Dissolve the sugar in a round baking pan (make the caramel).

Step 3

Remove it from fire

Step 4

Cut the pineapple into slices and distribute it on the whole pan over the caramel.

Step 5


Step 6

In the mixer bowl, put the sugar, egg yolks and butter and mix

Step 7

Add the milk and beat until a homogeneous creamy mixture is obtained.

Step 8

Add the flour and beat again. Keep it aside.

Step 9

In another bowl, add the egg white and beat until whipped it must look like snow.

Step 10

Add the whipped egg white to the dough bowl and mix them.

Step 11

Add the yeast and mix them for the last time.

Step 12

Pour the mixture into the shape over the caramel with the pineapple.

Step 13

Put the cake in the pre-heated oven at 180 ° until golden brown more or less 45 minutes. (Tip to check if the cake is ready pierce the cake with a skewer if it comes out dry then the cake is ready.)

Step 14

Disinform the cake while it is still hot.

Step 15

Tip: replace the pineapple with banana or apple

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