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Cocada paulista cake (Coconut cake)

Torta Cocada paulista (Torta di cocco)

Cocada Paulista, we are coming to the summer there is nothing better than a cake with coconut. Here for you a good Brazilian recipe.

Ready in 50 min - Portion: 10 portions

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Step 1

Prepare the coconut. Drill 2 holes in the coconut shell: by observing the poles of the shell you will notice darker and thinner spots, hit them deeply with an awl or screwdriver and let the liquid out (coconut water, not milk). Break the coconut shell with the back of a cleaver blade or with a hammer, tapping it all around, remove the shell, prying it off with a small knife and wash the pulp obtained; then dry it. Grate the pulp or pass it to the mixer, after cutting it into small pieces. If you want, you can also remove the brown outer skin.

Step 2

Mix the concentrated milk, 2-3 tablespoons of melted butter and 1 beaten egg with the grated coconut pulp. Butter a baking dish and sprinkle it with sugar.

Step 3

Pour the mixture into a baking dish, cook the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for at least 45 minutes: at the end the surface should be golden.

Step 4

Serve the Coconut Cake warm or cold if you want you can decorate, as you like, with thin slices of fresh or dehydrated coconut.

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