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Condensed Milk Cake

Torta al Latte Condensato

Condensed Milk Cake This is the recipe that I propose is very good. This Brazilian cake is called Bolo de Leite Condensado.

La torta al latte condensato  ha un interno umido, che grazie all’utilizzo del latte condensato è resa morbida e non richiede l’aggiunta di zucchero.
Try this cake for your breakfast with a nice hot cappuccino and you will see how good it is!

E’ una torta talmente buona che si scioglie in bocca ad ogni boccone. E’ un dolce piuttosto calorico e non adatto a chi segue un regime alimentare ipocalorico ma vi assicuro che una fettina ci sta tutta perché è impossibile non assaggiarlo.

Very simple to prepare, I recommend you use the condensed milk prepared by you at home because it is certainly tastier and without dyes or preservatives unlike the condensed milk you buy.

Preparazione: 20 min – Pronto in 60 min – Porzione: 6 porzioni

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Step 1

Separate the yolks from the egg whites and whip the egg whites until stiff.

Step 2

Add the condensed milk with the egg yolks and soft margarine and whip to cream.

Step 3

Add the flour and baking powder and work it well.

Step 4

Add the egg whites until stiff and incorporate them with a movement from the bottom upwards.

Step 5

Pour the mixture into a mold and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 40 minutes.

Step 6

To check the cooking in-fix with a toothpick, if the toothpick is dry then take it out of the oven and let it cool before serving.

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