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Sausage rice

riso alla salsiccia

Riso alla Salsiccia è un piatto veloce, economico e saporito è un piatto unico, perfetto per qualsiasi serata e molto facile da preparare.

Rice with Sausage

Sausage rice is a quick, cheap and tasty dish, sausage rice is a unique dish, perfect for any evening and very easy to prepare.

The success of the dish is sure, following step by step the real recipe a great dish!

This dish is a typical recipe from the north-east of Brazil, now very widespread throughout Brazil, a simple and low-cost recipe, in Brazil rice is an ingredient that is never missing in the pantry.

In fact in Brazil in the Basic Basket which would practically be a basket of food that the employer gives at the end of the month together with the salary (instead of the Italian meal voucher) and inside this box there is rice, beans, coffee and sugar.

In this recipe, you can add parsley, various herbs and chilli.

Qui ho inserito la ricetta semplice del riso con salsiccia, pero io quando ho preparato ho aggiunto l’olio con peperoncino che ho preparato a casa per cucinare per dare il sapore alle pietanze.

If you want other recipes with rice there is: Rice with pegui, Grecco rice, another variant of rice with sausages or the classic white rice.

Let's go now to the recipe.

Important thing, the rice must be the fine white one. I use BASMATI if you can't find this you can use Tai rice.

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Servings: 5
Preparazione: 5 min. – Cottura35 min.
Ready in: 40 min.



Step 1

In a pan, fry the onion and garlic with oil

Step 2

Add the sausages and sauté for a few minutes, add the salt and occasionally turn until golden brown

Step 3

add the wine and continue stirring with a wooden spoon, if possible, until the wine is vaporized

Step 4

add the tomato paste and keep stirring in order to mix well

Step 5

add the rice and stir until everything is combined. (TO TASTE, add a teaspoon of spicy oil to give flavor)

Step 6

add water if possible hot and close with the lid ajar until boiling then lower the heat and close completely with the lid

Step 7

IMPORTANT do not turn the rice after adding water as it will cause all the sausages to rise.

Step 8

when the rice has absorbed the water, taste the rice if you see it almost al dente then it is ready. (if you see it still hard, add half a glass of water and close the lid, then try again if the rice is fine.)

I remind you that in this recipe of rice with sausage you can do it as you like, gradually I will insert other recipes with rice, there are really many but I will do my best to help you in the kitchen and to amaze your guests and friends.

If you have any recipes to ask or advise me you can contact me in this email

Soon I will post on the site the possibility of delivering dishes such as this, rice with sausage or something else you like like pastel de carne, so if you fail or do not have time to cook them you can ask me for them.

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