Quibe Fried simple and fast, in this video I will teach you how to prepare it. It is delicious and perfect to serve at parties, or even as an aperitif.
Kibe has become one of the best known dishes in Brazilian cuisine. In bars, canteens or on snack trays at parties.
La presenza del kibe nella nostra terra è così comune che spesso si dimentichiamo che questa ricette con la carne e grano di kibe ha origini arabe ed arrivato qui solo con l’arrivo dei immigrati siriano-libanesi .
Fried, roasted, or raw, kibbeh is made with ground beef, wheat, and spices like onion, mint, and pepper.
Traditionally, it should be made with mutton, used in Arab countries. In Brazil, however, the dish was adapted with beef.
Il nome kibe deriva dalla parola araba “kubbeh”, che significa “palla”.
Here, the most popular versions of the Quibe are fried, cylindrical in shape, usually placed on a baking sheet.
Fried kibbeh, the most popular in Brazil, is made with kibbeh grain and stuffed with meat.
Preparation: Ready in 40 min
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- 500g of kibbeh flour
- 500g of lean ground beef
- 700 ml of water to hydrate the quibe
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 onion finely cut into cubes
- 1/2 bunch of parsley
- 1 bunch of Roman mint
- Salt to taste
- Black pepper to taste
Step 1
Pour the quibe into a baking dish and let it hydrate for 10 minutes with boiling water.
Step 2
Place the quibe in a cloth (cloth) and squeeze well to release the excess liquid, otherwise it will make a mess when frying.
Step 3
place in a bowl, add the minced meat, garlic, onion, parsley, mint, salt and pepper.
Step 4
mix well for about 5 minutes try if the salt is fine if you add.
Step 5
create double pointed oval shapes with your hands and place them on a shelf and repeat the shapes with all the dough.
Step 6
Fry in hot oil.