Pao de queljo (Small cheese sandwiches)
2019-12-02- Cuisine: Brazilian recipes
- Course: Everyday
- Skill Level: Easy
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- Yield: .
- Servings: 4
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 15m
- Ready In: 35m
Pao de queljo (Small cheese sandwiches)
Morbidi Panini al Formaggio Brasiliani
Scopri la delizia del Brasile in un morso!
I pão de queijo sono una vera e propria istituzione in Brasile, amati da grandi e piccini. Questi soffici panini al formaggio, con la loro croccante crosticina esterna e l’interno morbido e filante, sono perfetti per ogni occasione.
Cosa sono i pão de queijo?
Letteralmente “pane di formaggio”, i pão de queijo sono preparati con un impasto a base di amido di manioca, uova, latte, olio e, naturalmente, tanto formaggio. La combinazione di questi ingredienti crea una texture unica e un sapore inconfondibile.
Perché li amerai:
- Versatili: Perfetti come spuntino, antipasto o accompagnamento a pasti più elaborati.
- Gustosi: La sapidità del formaggio si sposa alla perfezione con la delicatezza dell’impasto.
- Facili da preparare: Con questa ricetta, anche i meno esperti in cucina potranno preparare dei pão de queijo deliziosi.
- Senza glutine: Ideali per chi segue un’alimentazione senza glutine.
We are also on:
- Servings: 4
- Preparation: 20 min. - Cooking: 15 min.
- Ready in: 35 mins
- 500 g of cassava flour
- 300 ml of milk
- 150 ml of olive or sunflower oil or margarine
- 2 eggs
- 200 g of tasty cheese (I use parmesan)
- Salt to taste
Step 1
Pour the flour into a bowl and, in another saucepan, mix the milk with the oil, making them heat over low heat
Step 2
Add the mixture to the flour and mix to mix
Step 3
Also add the lightly beaten eggs, one at a time, alternating with a handful of diced cheese and salt
Step 4
Knead very well, working with greased hands, then divide the dough into many small balls
Step 5
Turn on the oven at 180 ° and place the balls on the plate lined with parchment paper
Step 6
Bake in a hot oven and cook the pao de queljo for 15 minutes
Step 7
Remove from the oven and let cool
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posted by Wan on March 5, 2020
This dish is from southeast Brazil and is from Minas Gerais
posted by Brazilian Recipe Staff on March 5, 2020
are you from minas? hahahahaha protect the origins too. and in the meadow as an outro, bom mas cozinhado em todo or Brasil. Se queira ou não.
posted by Brazilian Recipe Staff on March 5, 2020
However now I correct
posted by Brazilian Recipe Staff on March 5, 2020
if você tem alguma receita de Minas para colocar no site pode me dizer go ser um prazer
posted by Wan on March 5, 2020
Yes thanks
posted by Brazilian Recipe Staff on March 5, 2020
if you send me the complete recipe, with the steps I enter your name as author, instead if you send me the name of the recipe I add it with pleasure.
posted by Brazilian Recipe Staff on March 5, 2020
you're right è de mina, I confused southeast with northeast. it can happen. co.unque is a dish that is now all over Brazil.
posted by Wan on March 5, 2020
Yes, it is made all over Brazil, however, this dish is of southeastern origin and not and originates throughout Brazil