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Pacoca de Amendoim (Peanut Cake)

Pacoca de Amendoim (Dolcetto Di Arachidi)

Pacoca de Amendoim (Dolcetto Di Arachidi), lo conoscete? Se non conosci ora t'aspetta una sorpresa. E se conosci rimarrai stupito quanto sia semplice farla!

Pacoca de Amendoim (Peanut Cake)


Pacoca de Amendoim (Dolcetto Di Arachidi), lo conoscete? Se non conosci ora t’aspetta una sorpresa. E se lo hai provato, rimarrai stupito di quanto sia semplice farla a casa!

Pacoca de amendoim (Peanut Dolcetto) is a traditional Brazilian dessert made from peanuts, sugar and salt, popular in southeastern Brazil. Not to be confused with the Northeast paçoca, which is a savory dish produced in the northeast, consisting of carne de sol, cassava flour and onions.

Il nome, pronunciato pah-sso-kah, deriva dalla parola indigena Tupi “posok”, che significa “sbriciolare” o “distruggere”. E questo perché questa dolce veniva tradizionalmente preparata usando un mortaio e un pestello.

In Brazil, they can be easily sold commercially in supermarkets and candy stores.

Here in Italy it remains a little more difficult to find them but not difficult to do it at home.

Another recipe that I recommend is the Pe de Moleque (dolce di arachidi) fatto con caramello e arachidi molto buono….

This recipe should not be used in the oven or stove.

Now let's go to the recipe.

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Step 1

Take the toasted peanuts, sugar, cornmeal and salt, put them in a crusher or blender.

Step 2

Work until well crushed and homogeneous.

Step 3

Take your favorite mold shapes and put the mixture, squeeze with your hands, fingers and modeling.

Step 4

take it out of shape and it's ready for consumption.

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