
Homemade Condensed Milk


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  • Yield: +/- 340g
  • Servings: 12
  • Prep Time: 1m
  • Cook Time: 15m
  • Ready In: 16m

Homemade Condensed Milk

Homemade Condensed Milk, homemade is the best thing when you have to make many desserts and knowing that this product costs a lot one tries to save as much as possible. Not to mention the substances that one never knows what they put in condensed milk, like preservatives or dyes ...

I always say that a homemade product is always better.

As proof myself that I have a daughter intolerant to various products and most of the desserts I have to make them at home, with the ingredient that I choose to use so as not to create some form of allergy to my little one.

I hope this recipe will help you.

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  • 1 cup of milk powder
  • 1 Cup of Refined Sugar
  • ½ cup of boiling water


Step 1

Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until you get the consistency of the condensed milk that we know. And it's ready to use

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