Pastel fair dough
2018-09-04- Cuisine: Brazilian recipes
- Course: Everyday
- Skill Level: Easy
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- Yield: 15
- Servings: 15
- Prep Time: 45m
- Cook Time: 15m
- Ready In: 60m
Pastel fair dough
Dough Pastel is a recipe for making dough for pastel that you normally find at bars or at fairs. Change the recipe slightly but very important.
- 3 cups of flour, one of which is used during the mixing.
- 1 medium glass of water 400ml
- 2 spoons of oil
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- 50 ml of Cachaça
Step 1
Mix well 2 glass of flour with the salt.
Step 2
Open a hole in the middle of the flour and slowly pour the water and oil into the flour with your hands in a bowl or on a flat table.
Step 3
Add the cachaça and continue mixing the mixture well.
Step 4
Work the dough on a smooth surface, sprinkled with flour, until it is homogeneous and stop sticking in your hands.
Step 5
Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes covered with a damp cloth or cling film.
Step 6
Open the dough with the help of a pasta machine - it's easier - up to the thinnest thickness that can be obtained, without breaking the dough; if you don't have a car, even a rolling pin is fine.
Step 7
Cut the dough already open with a knife 30 cm by 10 cm, to have the size of a fairground pastel.
Step 8
put the filling, occupying half the space, on the dough and close the edges with the help of a fork.
Step 9
After assembling the pastels, fry them in hot oil as soon as possible.
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posted by Vincente on October 10, 2022
Ingredienti: 3 tazze di farina
Passo 1: 2 bicchieri di farina e sale
400 ml di acqua olio e 50ml cachaça
è un pò imperfetta
posted by admin on October 10, 2022
Hai perfettamente ragione in questo caso è stato usato l’unita di misura che usa la mia nonna con il bicchiere americano cosi lo chiamano appena posso inserirò la stessa ricetta con i grammi invece dei bicchieri. Comunque grazie per il tuo commento.
posted by admin on December 9, 2022
Bravo se vuoi inviamela cosi inserisco nel sito .
posted by Jens on July 20, 2023
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posted by admin on July 23, 2023
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