Simple Feijoada
According to this contemporary legend, the Masters and Lords did not eat the less noble parts of the pig, such as ears and feet, and gave these pieces to slaves. Since their food was based only on cereals, such as corn and beans, they decided to take the parts of the pig that had been discarded and add them to the beans.
In effetti, la grande falsità di questa credenza popolare è che i Signori “Capi” sprecavano il cibo. A quel tempo, la monocoltura, la scarsità e gli alti prezzi del cibo rendevano il cibo molto povero. Per darti un’idea, molti maestri finirono per morire a causa del cibo scadente durante il periodo coloniale. Quindi non c’era modo per i ricchi proprietari terrieri di vantarsi: la situazione era difficile per tutti anche per loro.
Di fronte a questa realtà, gli schiavi mangiavano praticamente la stessa cosa dei Padroni i Signori. Inoltre, inoltre i schiavi dovevano essere ben nutriti, dal momento che il loro lavoro era alla base dell’economia in quel momento.
In fact, feijoada is believed to have existed before in Europe, but under another name: stew. We can find examples of the dish in the cuisine of countries such as France (cassoulet), Spain (cooked madrilenho). Probabilmente la nostra feijoada era un adattamento dello stufato europeo, ma con una grande differenza: l’uso dei fagioli neri, infine un contributo tipicamente brasiliano.
- 500 gr of dried black beans
- 450 gr of pork ribs
- 450 gr of smoked ribs
- 450 gr of bacon
- 2 Calabrese sausages roughly cut
- 8 spoons of olive oil
- 2 finely chopped onions
- 6 cloves of garlic finely chopped.
- 1 tbsp black pepper
- 5 bay leaves
Step 1
Soak the beans overnight.
Step 2
Next day, put the beans in a large pressure cooker and add water until completely covered.
Step 3
Add all the sliced meat and close the pan.
Step 4
Leave to cook for a few minutes after pressure starts. more or less 30 minutes
Step 5
Turn off, release the pressure and leave it aside.
Step 6
In another pan, fry the onion, garlic until golden brown.
Step 7
Add the mixture to the beans, add salt, pepper to taste, bay leaves and mix.
Step 8
Cook again with the pressure cooker for another 10 minutes over medium heat
Step 9
Turn off the heat and let out the pressure from the pan, before opening so we avoid exploding it.
Step 10
Open the pan and cook until the bean broth thickens.
Step 11
Taste if the salt is fine. And serve if you want with Rice, Farofa and Vinagrete.