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Rice croquettes with Mortadella

crocchette di riso con mortadella

crocchette di riso con mortadella

Rice croquettes with Mortadella

Rice croquettes is one of the best ways to reuse those leftover food that I stay in the fridge.

It is a very simple snack and loved by everyone!

In Brazilian Recipes you will find many recipes of this delicacy, such as rice croquettes with minced meat, rice croquettes with sardines, rice croquettes with cheese and more.

Oggi ti insegneremo un’altra Buonissima ricetta per i amanti della Mozzarella e Mortadella che fa pure rima.

Here are the ingredients and the preparation method:

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Step 1

In a blender: eggs, rice and garlic.

Step 2

Blend well and transfer to a bowl.

Step 3

Add the mortadella, mozzarella, parsley, salt and black pepper.

Step 4

Mix well.

Step 5

Made of Croquettes of the shape you like I make them round with your hands (I use the ice cream portioner to make them all the same)

Step 6

Pass the croquettes in the egg afterwards in the breadcrumbs.

Step 7

Fry in hot oil.

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