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Stuffed Cassava Croquettes with Provola and Cooked

Crocchette di Manioca Ripiena

Stuffed Cassava Croquettes

Stuffed Cassava Croquettes with Provola and Cooked, they are good and crispy using the cassava tuber. Check this very good variation ..

It is a root normally found in South America and Africans: its peel is brown in color and its pulp is white.

It is rich in starch and can be cooked like potatoes: they must be peeled very well and must never be eaten raw.

Once boiled it can be cooked with a little butter, roasted or worked as a puree.

From the dried tubers the tapioca, starch in grains that can be used alone or mixed with cereal flours to make bread and cakes or as a thickener. Being gluten-free, it is indicated in diets for celiacs.

Stuffed Cassava Croquettes

Check here all the recipes with tapioca good for celiacs

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Step 1

Peel the cassava and steam (or boil) it until the heart opens. Test with the fork. Eliminate the central leathery part.

Step 2

Mash and sift the pulp well. Mix with the egg yolks, chopped parsley, parmesan, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Make sure that the dough is very compact.

Step 3

Divide the dough into regular portions and shape into croquettes. Fill each stick with a cube of provolone and one of ham. Seal well.

Step 4

In a bowl, beat the egg whites. Take each croquette and pass it first in the flour, then in the egg white and finally in the breadcrumbs.

Step 5

Fry in plenty of oil.

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