
Ricette Consigliate

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Brasiliane.it recipes Conceived and designed for all those people who love Brazilian food and Culinary culture.

Here you will find all the recipes to cook typical Brazilian dishes in a simple and fast way with ingredients, description and procedure of the recipe step by step….

We are pleased to inform you that we also have our other platforms

I don't have much to say about us also because we are not a company, but we are simple workers who love Brazilian cuisine and born in Brazil.

Thanks to our friends and family we have created this website, in order to facilitate the preparation of our Brazilian recipes, since many recipes are not found on the various Italian websites.

We thought we'd find a collection of recipes on this site that you might like.

We are growing slowly thanks to all of you. We were also able to create an Android APP, because many people asked us for a handy app.

You can find in this link the Brazilian Recipes APP on google Play.

You can see the typical Brazilian recipes on this page….

Ricette Brasiliane.it


Learn about the history and culture of Brazilian gastronomy.

Brazil is undoubtedly one of the most diverse countries on the planet. Our people are the result of intense crossings of cultures that have made the country the cradle of highly pluralistic creations and cultural movements: an authentic melting pot.

What is not lacking are the options of Brazilian recipes, which cross the different gastronomic fields and range from fish dishes to meat, from vegetables to desserts and diversified dishes.

This great menu comes from the interactions of different peoples with Brazilian soil.

In South American lands, immigrants from Eastern Europe, slaves from different regions of Africa and indigenous natives, exchanged and introduced gastronomic experiences and recipes, giving rise to the Brazilian custom of food, which is one of the most varied among today's societies.

We now know some of these social blends and how they fit into each of us' food plates!


Brazilian gastronomy already had its peculiarities before the arrival of Europeans on the continent.

However, it was in the 16th century, when the first Europeans arrived, that the clash between cultures and gastronomic customs began. The Portuguese, accustomed to food that should last a crossing of the Atlantic, presented the natives with foods such as dried meat, bacon, beer and salted fish.

Potatoes, wheat flour, tomatoes and tomato sauces came throughout the colonization, but were even more present at the end of the 20th century, with the arrival of Italian immigrants. In exchange for these new delicacies, Europeans knew the foods grown by the natives, such as cassava, corn, fishing for many types of fish, harvesting fruit and vegetables.


Despite being a time of great suffering (Brazil has had slaves for nearly 400 years), the Brazilian slave period is also one of the most important for the formation of what we know as Brazilian people and culture.

Samba, candomblé, umbanda and capoeira are some examples of the enormous African influence in our cultural identity.

At the table, this influence was reflected in the creation of dishes such as bobó and la bean stew. In addition, there was also knowledge of palm oil. These dishes are so consumed that they can already almost be seen as the country's cultural heritage.


The flags - entry movements within Brazil and led by Portuguese adventurers of dubious reputation - have traversed the heart of the country and left a trail of gastronomic influences, such as the tropeiro bean and the bean tutu.

In addition, indigenous products such as cassava flour, couscous and fruit have been appropriated.

Arriving in Minas Gerais and discovering the incredible amount of gold and stones hidden in the mountains, the Portuguese government transformed the region into the economic center of Brazil.

This movement resulted in a huge migratory flow, which led to the creation of diversified urban centers. In these urban centers they have churned out different flavors and aromas.

From the cuisine of Minas Gerais, we can highlight mainly the production of sweets and cheeses.

With techniques brought directly from the old continent, the Brazilians learned to curdle, carve and cure milk, which opened up a wide range of possibilities for the dairy industry, which became the trademark of this state.

Ricette Brasiliane

Speaking of Brazilian recipes, Brazilian cuisine is something that produces countless history books and recipes. Undoubtedly, the European influence (and here we can highlight Italians, Spaniards, Germans and Portuguese as strong exponents) and Africans were fundamental for the formation of the Brazilian menu.

However, the national gastronomy is renewed every day.

Therefore, we can highlight the current influence of Arab, Oriental and North American cuisines, which are also incorporated into Brazilian customs. From the Arabs, we incorporate a passion for kibes, sieves, curds and tabulati.

From the Orientals, we have the ultimate symbol in the pastel of the fair which, despite the growing range of dishes such as sushi, is undoubtedly the most popular oriental quitute in the lands of the tupiniquins. Of note, we brought in a taste of fast food, burgers, and hot dogs.

This was a brief summary of Brazilian gastronomy and its peculiarities. Sign up for our newsletter with updates, gastronomic tips and curiosities!

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