
Recipes From Cuisine: Italian recipes

Italian recipes, it is due to many requests from friends, I wanted to create this new category, in order to increase the recipe book of the site and make it as eclectic as possible. It's not because I'm Brazilian it means that I can't present some Italian recipes to you. Since I have lived in Italy since 1989, I would say that I am more Italian than Brazilian. However I hope you will like this new category. If you have recipes to recommend, you can share on our site through the button insert recipe then it will be viewed by me. If the recipe and photos are fine, I will publish them on the site with your personal details.

Carolinas – Bignè senza glutine

Carolinas – Gluten-free cream puffs

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Carolinas in brasile sarebbe come il bignè che fatte qui in italia. Solo che qui vi faro vedere un alternativa senza glutine.

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Merluzzo Pannato croccante

Creamed Cod (Crunchy)

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Crispy pannato cod. A fish with white meat, lean and above all delicious, is recommended for the Easter lunch.

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La Salsa Rosa, nota anche come Salsa Cocktail

Pink Cocktail Sauce

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The Pink Cocktail Sauce, also known as Cocktail Sauce, is a delicate tasting sauce suitable to accompany fish and shellfish dishes.

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Corona di Agnello pasqua

Lamb wreath

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Lamb's Wreath an excellent recipe to present as a main course for a family or Easter lunch or dinner.

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Crostatine con marmellata Gluten Free

Tartlets with Gluten Free jam

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Tartlets with Gluten Free jam, ideal for people suffering from this disease, but also good for those who want to eat something good and fast.

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Maionese alle Spezie

Spice Mayonnaise

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Homemade spice mayonnaise is far better than industrial mayonnaise and, contrary to popular belief, making it at home is easy.

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Maionese al frullatore

Simple blender mayonnaise

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Maionese al frullatore semplice, ce sei la classica che non fa la maionese in casa perché "stanca il braccio"? Vieni con noi: in questa ricetta, il frullatore fa tutto il lavoro.

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Ketchup Speziato

Spiced Ketchup

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Prepara questa salsa al Ketchup Speziato in casa per aggiungere sapore tuoi piatti fatti in casa, perfetto per tutti i piatti sopratutto carne e fritti

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Ketchup Casareccio

Simple Homemade Ketchup

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Ketchup Casareccio semplice, niente di meglio che assaporare un delizioso hamburger, un hot dog o qualsiasi altro spuntino per uscire un po 'dalla routine, non è vero?

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Lasagna al Pollo

Chicken Lasagna

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Lasagna al Polo a variant of the classic Bolognese lasagna, good and easy to prepare. View the recipe here.

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