
Recipes From Cuisine: Brazilian recipes

Brazilian recipes

Ricette Brasiliane.it conceived and created for many people who love Brazilian food. Since I have a lot of people asking me for the recipe for a Brazilian dish, I thought about creating this blog on Brazilian gastronomy. Although I recommend for those who have never been to Brazil to go there one day, that you will find "the lair of the White Rabbit" as Morpheus said to Neo in the film Matrix. The country is vast, the culture idem therefore it is difficult to find a country or a city that makes the same variant of dish, each country to its custom. Meanwhile, you can find many recipes of our Brazilian dishes here. Which you have certainly tasted in some restaurant, party or dinner with Brazilian friends. Or who visited Brazil brought some Brazilian culture with them.

Riso con Pequi ricetta

Rice with Pequi

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Riso con Pequi is made with this fruit originating from cerrado with a marked and particular flavor. It is considered the culinary gem of Central West Brazil.

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Latte Condensato Ricetta Fai da te

Homemade Condensed Milk

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Latte condensato casareccio fatto in casa semplice e veloce alla portata di tutti vi consiglio questa ricetta se volete una cosa fatta da voi

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Torta al Cioccolato

Chocolate Cake with Coconut (Prestige Bolus)

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Torta Al Cioccolato con Cocco in Brasile non la chiamiamo ( Bolo Prestigio), non so esattamente l'origine di questa ricetta, ma la torta di prestigio ....

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Cajuzinho brasiliano


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Cajuzinho is a Brazilian dessert made with peanuts, common at birthday parties. In the south, in the central-west of Brazil, the dessert is made with a roasted and ground peanut paste.

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torta di farofa con crema

Farofa Cake with Cream

Recipe Type: , Cuisine:
forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (3 / 5)

Bolo de Farofa con crema, sicuramente ti chiederei ma è dolce? Si certo. La farofa si fa per dire, in senso che la parte superiore della torte essendo fatta con farina con burro e zucchero quando la metti al forno e la cuoci fa sembrare come se fosse una farofa.

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cocada ricetta

Cocada Bianca

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Cocada white, black, with peanuts, chestnuts or sesame coconut is one of the traditional sweets most appreciated by Brazilians and tourists who will soon be enchanted with a unique taste of delicacy.

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Torta di Ananas Ricetta

Pineapple cake

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Un dolce che amerai ancor di più l'ananas. Fresca, leggera e gustosa, la torta di ananas è un'ottima scelta per i vostri appuntamenti di fine settimana o festività. Provalo!

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Brigadeiro Ricetta


Recipe Type: , Cuisine:
forkforkforkforkfork Average Rating: (4.4 / 5)

Brigadeiro è un tipico dolce brasiliano, consiste in una miscela di latte condensato, burro, cacao in polvere e cioccolato granulato per la copertura.

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barreado ricetta

Barreado Simple

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Questo tipico cibo brasiliano consiste in uno o più tipi di carni, come anatra, noce o sotto spalla del bovino, condite con aglio, cipolla, lombo di maiale...

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Tucupi ricetta


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Tucupi is a traditional Brazilian sauce made from sap extracted from the cassava root. Yellow in color, the sauce is used for cooking.

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