
Recipes From Cuisine: Brazilian recipes

Brazilian recipes

Ricette Brasiliane.it conceived and created for many people who love Brazilian food. Since I have a lot of people asking me for the recipe for a Brazilian dish, I thought about creating this blog on Brazilian gastronomy. Although I recommend for those who have never been to Brazil to go there one day, that you will find "the lair of the White Rabbit" as Morpheus said to Neo in the film Matrix. The country is vast, the culture idem therefore it is difficult to find a country or a city that makes the same variant of dish, each country to its custom. Meanwhile, you can find many recipes of our Brazilian dishes here. Which you have certainly tasted in some restaurant, party or dinner with Brazilian friends. Or who visited Brazil brought some Brazilian culture with them.

Ricetta Costine di Maiale Brasiliano

Pressed pork ribs

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Le Costine cuociono nel proprio grasso. Impara due modi per prepararli, diventano morbidissime e saporite. Non è complicato prepararlo anzi anche il meno esperto pio fare questa meraviglia di ricetta.

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biscotto Girandola cannella e cacao

Cinnamon and Cocoa Pinwheel Biscuit

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Biscotti Girandola, sono una variante allegra e divertente dei classici biscotti di pasta frolla. Sono biscotti bicolore, senza uova e di grande effetto visivo per questo motivo piacciono molto ai bambini oltre ad essere davvero buoni.

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Prosciutto di Natale tender

Christmas ham

Recipe Type: , Cuisine:
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Prosciutto di Natale a Origini Americane USA. Negli anni '50 questi questo prosciutto affumicato iniziarono ad essere importati in Brasile usavano l'espressione "Tender Made", che significa "fatto con cura".

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crocchette di riso con mortadella

Rice croquettes with Mortadella

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Crocchette di Riso è uno dei migliori modi per riutilizzare quegli avanzi di cibo che rimango in frigo. Sopratutto Buonissimo, Facili da Preparare, Per Ogni Occasione. In questa ricetta Crocchette di Riso con Mortadella.

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Gamberi nella Moranga

Shrimp in Moranga

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Shrimp in Moranga (Pumpkin), is a typical dish of Brazilian seaside cuisine, it is delicious and served with a moranga type pumpkin.

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Dolce di Zucca con Cocco

Pumpkin Cake with Coconut

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Pumpkin dessert with coconut is a special recipe for this mix of pumpkin flavor with coconut.

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Torta Prestigio Brigadeiro

Brigadeiro Prestige Brazilian Chocolate Cake

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Prestige Brigadeiro Cake is a delight for those who love the Sweet Brigadeiro in this version of the Coconut Brigadeiro Stuffed Cake. An excellent recipe to conquer the palate of those who love sweets and coconut.

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Impasto Pastel da Fiera

Pastel fair dough

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Questa è una ricetta per fare l'impasto per il pastel che normalmente trovi ai bar o alle fiere. Cambia di poco la ricetta ma molto importante.

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pane da forma

Plain bread without milk and eggs

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Pane da forma casareccio semplice senza latte e uova, una variazione fatta dalla mia famiglia pochi ingredienti e veloce.

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Enroladinho di Wurstel

Wurstel Enroladinho with Toast Bread

Recipe Type: Cuisine:
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Enroladinho di Wurstel with Toast bread, I recommend it if you want to do it for a party for children or why not also for guests as an appetizer made with toast bread with breadcrumbs and sausage eggs.

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