Choose that special recipe that everyone likes, select, organize and portion the ingredients… These are some of the steps to prepare a meal at home.
Some recipes contain measures we are not used to using; creating problems in finding suitable tools for serving. Seeing the difficulty for many people; we decided to help you by making a converter.
Impara a convertire le misure
Correct measurement is one of the factors that can define the quality of your dishes. Use the tables below for your next recipes.
1 teaspoon | ½ teaspoon |
1 teaspoon | 2 coffee spoons |
1 dessert spoon | 4 coffee spoons |
1 soup spoon | 6 coffee spoons |
Equivalence for liquids
250 ml | 1 cup of tea |
200 ml | 1 American glass |
180 ml | ¾ teacup |
125 ml | ½ teacup |
100 ml | ½ American glass |
60 ml | ¼ teacup |
15 ml | 1 soup spoon |
10 ml | 1 dessert spoon |
5 ml | 1 teaspoon |
2.5 ml | 1 teaspoon |
Per fare un buona ricetta sia nella giusta misura, è necessario rispettare l’esatta quantità descritta. Le porzioni deve essere poco profonda.
Quando si misura una tazza o un cucchiaio, utilizza un coltello per rimuovere l’eccesso di ingrediente.
Remember that each product has its own texture and thickness. To help you, we have selected some foods and their equivalences. Follow:
1 Tea cup | 120 g |
½ Teacup | 60 g |
⅓ Tea cup | 40 g |
¼ Teacup | 30 g |
1 soup spoon | 7 g |
1 dessert spoon | 5 g |
1 teaspoon | 3 g |
1 Tea cup | 200g or 20 Serving spoons |
½ Teacup | 100g or 10 mini spoons |
¾ Tea cup | 135g or 13.5 soup spoons |
¼ Teacup | 45g or 4.5 soup spoons |
1 Serving spoon | 10g |
1 dessert spoon | 9g |
1 teaspoon | 4g |
Uncooked rice
1 Tea cup | 200g or 12 soup spoons |
1 American glass | 160g or 11 soup spoons |
1 soup spoon | 15g |
Vegetable butter or fat
1 Tea cup | 200g |
½ Teacup | 100g |
⅓ Tea cup | 65g |
1 soup spoon | 12g |
1 dessert spoon | 9g |
1 teaspoon | 4g |
1 Coffee spoon | 2g |
1 Tea cup | 80g |
1 soup spoon | 5g |
1 dessert spoon | 3g |
1 teaspoon | 1.5g |
1 Tea cup | 150g |
1 soup spoon | 9g |
1 dessert spoon | 5g |
1 teaspoon | 3g |
1 Tea cup | 180g |
1 dessert spoon | 15g |
1 Pinch | This you can hold between the tips of two fingers or ⅛ of a spoon |
1 teaspoon | 5g |
1 soup spoon | 20g |
1 Tea cup | 300g |
1 teaspoon | 10g |
Apply the Culinary Measure Converter
Let's put the measurement converter into practice. I have selected a recipe to make you understand the corresponding measures and facilitate the preparation of the dish. Look:
Black Rice with Seafood
Ingredients (for two people)
Per l’olio alle erbe:
850 ml di olio d’oliva = 5 tazze da tè;
50g of thyme = 5 soup spoons.
50 g of rosemary = 5 soup spoons.
50g of basil = 5 soup spoons.
For the dish:
190 g of black rice = 1 cup of tea or 12 soup spoons.
170 g of mussels = 1 cup of tea.
100g of shrimp = ½ cup of tea.
100 g of squid = ½ cup of tea.
100g onion = 1 cup of tea or 10 soup spoons.
5 g of salt = 1 teaspoon or ¼ soup spoon.
4 g of garlic = ¾ teaspoon.
20 ml of oil = 4 teaspoons.
20 ml of herbal oil = 4 teaspoons.
1 tomato
Preparation time
35 to 40 minutes.
695 cal.
Method of preparation
Per l’olio alle erbe:
Defoglia le erbe. In un frullatore, aggiungere l’olio, le foglie e condire con sale e pepe nero macinato fresco a piacere. Batti per 1 minuto e il gioco è fatto!
For the dish:
Cut the tomato into cubes. Season the seafood with salt and set aside.
In una casseruola a fuoco medio, aggiungere un filo d’olio d’oliva e rosolare la cipolla tritata per circa 1 minuto o fino a quando non sarà leggermente dorata.
Aggiungere il riso e 1 litro d’acqua. Aggiungere il sale e fate cuocere a fuoco medio per circa 30 minuti, con la padella semiaperta o finché non ci sarà più l’acqua.
Riscaldare una padella a fuoco alto e aggiungere l’olio d’oliva e l’aglio. Rosolare per 20 secondi e poi aggiungere i frutti di mare, rosolare per 2 minuti.
Separate half of the fish and set aside. Add the rice and half of the tomatoes and the rest of the seafood remaining in the pan. Gently mix until all ingredients are blended well.
Put the rice on a plate and arrange the rest of the seafood and the tomato pulp on top.
Now that we've described the proportions in the Culinary Measure Converter, preparing that complicated-looking dish has certainly become a much easier task.
It is not true? Choose the best ingredients and run to the kitchen.
Prova altri piatti come ad esempio: Grilled picanha with Churrasco salt oppure potete provare un altra ricetta che vi consiglio tantissimo per l’estate è fantastico da condividere con gli amici o fare una bella figura Butter Picanha with Potatoes II buono di queste specialità è che potete farlo o alla brace, anche in padella o al forno. Vi consiglio pero prima o durante un bel bicchiere di Caipirinha cosi emergete direttamente all’atmosfera del brasile a Rio de Janeiro. Ci trovi anche su: Youtube Brazilian Recipes Other recipes with Chinese food there find it here