Pao de Queijo "Cheese Sandwich"
2018-07-17- Cuisine: Brazilian recipes
- Course: Festivity, Everyday
- Skill Level: Easy
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- Yield: 30
- Servings: 4
- Prep Time: 20m
- Cook Time: 40m
- Ready In: 60m
Pao de Queijo
Pao de queljo, you can't not go to Minas and not taste one of their Brazilian recipes such as Pao de queljo (Cheese Sandwiches). It's like I've never been there. Cheese bread is one of the greatest symbols of Minas Gerais cuisine. Such is the richness of gastronomy in Minas Gerais. However, cheese bread wins in versatility, being a food for any time, especially with a little coffee.
Despite the name "bread", it should not be made with flour, but with Polvilho azedo ( cassava starch ) which is a product derived from cassava. The story goes that this recipe appeared on the Minas Gerais farms in the quest to replace wheat flour in some dishes, at a time when access to flour was scarce.
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We are also on: Youtube Brazilian Recipes
Other Gluten Free recipes there find it here
- 500 g Tapioca flour (starch) is gluten-free
- 150 ml of water
- 150 ml of milk
- 120 ml of oil
- 2 medium eggs
- 250 g of grated Parmesan cheese
- salt to taste
Step 1
In a saucepan, boil the water and add the milk, oil and salt
Step 2
In a saucepan, boil the water and add the milk, oil and salt
Step 3
Add the tapioca flour, mix well and start kneading the dough with the heat off
Step 4
When the dough is mixed well, add the Parmesan, the eggs and mix again until everything is combined.
Step 5
Grease your hands and create 2 cm diameter poles.
Step 6
Arrange the balls in a pan greased with oil, leaving a space between them
Step 7
Bake in a preheated medium oven (180 ° C) for about 40 minutes
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posted by Antonio Franzina on October 25, 2021
Wrong doses of liquids. A baby food comes out that cannot be made into balls
posted by admin on November 15, 2021
You are right, thanks that you pointed out that 240 ml of each was added instead it had to be 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water. That if you want you can make 300ml of milk directly.
THANK YOU again for your time in commenting.
However now I correct it.
posted by Jessica Frigerio on January 23, 2023
ciao, più o meno quanto sale?
posted by admin on April 14, 2023
a piacere puo essere zero come un pizzico io normalmente metto meta cucchiaino